4-H Junior Camp is for 4-Hers in grades 4th, 5th, and 6th as of January 2025. At camp, you will have the opportunity to fish, canoe, swim, shoot at the rifle and archery ranges, and do much more. Check out The Clyde Austin 4-H Center website to see the camping facilities and learn more about camp.
This year Grainger County will be camping the week of June 16th-20th with Anderson, Hawkins, Knox, and Washington counties.
Due to a generous number of donations and fundraising efforts camp will be $200. This includes transportation, lodging, food, most activities, and a t-shirt. Concessions and tickets for additional activities will be available please plan to bring additional money.
Jr. High 4-H camp is for 4-Hers in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th as of January 2024. Jr High camp has opportunities for offsite adventures, a baseball game, service projects, as well as traditional camp opportunities. Check out The Clyde Austin 4-H Center website for more information about the camp.
Junior High camp is July 8th-12th at a cost of $300. We will be camping with all counties in the Eastern Region.
Target Smart camp is for 4-Hers in grades 5th-9th as of January 2023 that are interested in the Shooting Sports project or learning more about marksmanship. 4-Hers will have the opportunity to practice all shooting sports disciplines.
Location, date and cost is TBA.

4-H Electric Camp is for 4-Hers in grades 6th or 7th as of January 2023. This camp will teach you about robotics, electric vehicles, electrical safety, and drones. For more information about Electric Camp please see the website.
Date, location, and cost is TBA.

2024 Day Camp information coming soon.

Please fill out the form if you have additional questions about camp.