Food preservation is the process of treating and handling food to stop or greatly slow down spoilage (loss of quality, edibility, or nutritive value) caused or accelerated by micro-organisms. Maintaining or creating nutritional value, texture and flavor is important in preserving its value as food.
Classes offered:
- Water bath canning
- Pressure canning
- Pickling
- Fermentation
Updated class schedule coming soon.
Article on vinegar acidity level for canning
Please check our Facebook for current events.

It is recommended that you get your pressure canner lid and dial gauge tested once per year! We can do that at the UT Extension office. Dates are set aside each Spring; however, if those times do not work for you, please call our office and we can schedule a date and time for you to bring your lid and gauge in for testing.
Dates for 2024 will be posted soon!

Please check back for 2024 dates!
As always, you can keep up with us on our Facebook page.
This year, 224.9lbs of items were collected for Food Waste Awareness week in Grainger County. This provides approximately 187.4 meals for residents of Grainger County. Out of 224.9 lbs that was donated, 78.1lbs is considered a healthier alternative food option. The collected food items were distributed to the local Grainger Baptist Association.